The future begins at UBA
The future begins at UBA
The future begins at UBA

Your future begins at UBA!

Fixed tuition fee

Your tuition fees will not change!

Guarantee of studying

UBA is a large and stable university

Located comfortably

downtown, close to the sea

How to enroll

See how easy it is to enroll in the studies at UBA:

Step 1

Fill the on-line form to reserve a place on a major – click Enroll.

Step 2

Pay the entry fee – 85 zł
Santander Bank Polska Warszawa al. Jana Pawła II 17
14 1090 1102 0000 0001 5050 1850

Step 3

Prepare the documents and send them to the address: Wyższa Szkoła Administracji i Biznesu, ul. Kielecka 7, 81-303 Gdynia with the postscript “Biuro Rekrutacji”.



Private University in Pomerania

We create the standards of education.

up to PLN 2500

monthly scholarship

We support talented students’ development.

29 years

of continuous development

A stable position and a very good assessment from PAC.

Contact Us

University of Business and Administration
of E. Kwiatkowski in Gdynia

Kielecka 7
81-303 Gdynia